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What If Your iPad Was Powered By Linux?

All aboard the hype train, but pack some cautious optimism.
What If Your iPad Was Powered By Linux?

This New Linux OS Would Look Perfect On Your iPad

All aboard the hype train, but pack some cautious optimism.

Here’s a potentially unpopular opinion: despite loving Linux, I’m not willing to use a Linux-powered mobile operating system unless it looks and feels fantastic. It’s why I’m not enamored with Ubuntu Touch. It’s why I’m less than enthusiastic about ARM-based variants of popular distros like Manjaro and KDE Neon, even while I’m rooting for all of them.

Call me silly, call me selfish, but they’re just not flashy enough.

More importantly, there’s not a mobile Linux OS in existence that screams “tablet-first design.”

Enter JingOS, a new Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 20.04 and KDE Plasma Mobile (to eventually be replaced by JDE or “Jing Desktop Environment”) that isn’t interested in treating a touch interface as an afterthought.

It’s built from the ground up for tablets, and it shows. But because it’s built on the foundations of Ubuntu, it will run full-fat desktop versions of your favorite Linux software.

If your Deepin senses are tingling, that sensation is justified. Like Deepin (check the video below), JingOS also originates from China. Like Deepin, JingOS looks ridiculously stylish and puts a heavy emphasis on both UI and UX.

In this case, of course, it’s unabashedly inspired by Apple’s iPadOS. And why shouldn’t it be? Apple has sold half a billion iPads since 2010 and we’re already living in a mobile-first computing world. Why not draw inspiration from a revolutionary device that forced even a heavyweight like Microsoft to rethink its interface for Windows 8?

JingOS will also include its own collection of core native apps like Calendar, Timer, Files and a media player.

While your hype meter may or not be pegged, we can’t offer much in the way of praise or criticism yet. JingOS isn’t available to download until January 31, which is labeled as JingOS v0.6.

Version 1.0 is slated for June 2021.

Even when the preview ISO does go online, the OS is currently optimized for only two x86 devices: Huawei’s Matebook 14 and Microsoft’s Surface Pro 6.

(Note: Since it’s based on Ubuntu, you can still install it on most x86-based PCs for a test drive, but the developers warn you won’t be getting an ideal experience.)

But there are a few rays of hope for the future of JingOS.

  1. First and foremost, JingOS promises to be open source. Potential contributors should watch this space. That being said, almost nocode has been published at time of writing, despite the distro launching to the public in less than two weeks…
  2. The current x86 design certainly limits it from being installed on a multitude of popular phones, phablets and tablets. Thankfully, the developers are building an ARM version of the distro.
  3. What will the flagship device be for that future ARM version of JingOS? The company’s 2021 roadmap mentions the “JingPad C1,” an ARM-based tablet that should be shipping this spring and officially supported by version 1.0 of JingOS by June 30, 2021.

The preview looks shiny, and JingOS looks to fill a void in the Linux ecosystem. If executed properly, it could even be a gateway for younger generations to properly experience Linux on their form-factor of choice.

Or to revive our older slates, much the same way we breathe new life into Macs with Linux.

So all aboard the hype train, but pack some cautious optimism.